Week 4 – Inspired by Music – Les Poissons

Les poissons, Les poissons
Hee Hee Hee, Haw Haw Haw.

I believe that’s all I need to get that song stuck in your head.

Growing up, we only owned 2 VHS movies for the loooooongest time, The Little Mermaid and Titanic.  My sister would play them all the time so I got to know them very well.

And like all Disney songs from the movies, they are oh so catchy.  Of course, nothing beats a french chef singing out preparing fish, and then trying to catch a little crab and cook him up too!

I went with a variation of a classic French fish dish, sole meuniere, or just fish meuniere cause I went with tilapia.

Served with a side of onion rice and green beans!

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